Friday, August 15, 2008

Come to my Garage Sale! PLEASE!

Hey Gang, The Heaths are having a Garage Sale tomorrow morning!
Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that we are freaking out financially....anyways, my sister actually dropped off some good items, so unless I have bought it then you could probably find something kind of cool. My goods.... I will be honest are totally awesome! Even if you don't want some more stuff in your life, just come visit.....
My address is 1505 E 3150 S SLC, UT 84106

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We're Prego!

I don't know who is still reading my Blog, but if anyone is out there, Ryan and I are twelve weeks pregnant. We also just found out that we are having two! Yep, that is right, we are having fraternal twins and we are so excited!
Above is not a picture of our little nuggets, but that is basically what we saw yesterday.
Megan! HELP!