Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We're Prego!

I don't know who is still reading my Blog, but if anyone is out there, Ryan and I are twelve weeks pregnant. We also just found out that we are having two! Yep, that is right, we are having fraternal twins and we are so excited!
Above is not a picture of our little nuggets, but that is basically what we saw yesterday.
Megan! HELP!


Kyla Stevens said...

Sweet! congrats heath family. You are going to be the cutest family.

{littlefam} said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you - your babies are going to be gorgeous. Let's hang out again soon!

Lacey said...

oh my gosh nanettey! that is so awesome i am am so happy for you guys. that is crazy, you will have to get some pointers from megan because i have no idea how to take care of two babie!!! we love you and are so happy for you!

Bruschke said...

I live three houses up from you and I didn't know- aren't there any perks to being neighbors? This is SO exciting! I think I might just march down the street and tell you myself-CONGRATS!!

Becky said...

That is so exciting!!! I just saw your mom last month and she was saying how she was wishing for you to have a baby. Now she gets two!!! Congrats and keep us informed.

Eric and Megan said...

WHAT!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! Oh my gosh, I need to call you! I'm so excited for you! You are going to have so much fun with twinners! But get prepared for no sleep! That is so exciting!

mary said...

oh my! Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys! We need to hang out. I will call you!

Allison said...

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Congrats. I am so happy and excited for you.

Clint said...

Congratulations. Charisse and I are pleased as punch.

Lloyd Family said...

I found your blog through Breanne's and just had to say congrats on the twins! That is so exciting. If you are having at least one girl and assuming you'll probably have them early I've got quite a bit of girl preemie stuff I will pass along your way. I'm so happy for you guys.