Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Laura got me, I'm it.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

-Doing two man cartwheels with Amanda & Chelsea
-Goofing off with Roeder & Lauren in Pep Club
-Sleeping at Jessica's house every other weekend
-Playing tennis & Lacrosse with my posse
-Trying to memorize raps & tap dances

5 things on my to-do list today:

-Bring home the bacon
-Go to school
-Make dinner for my hubby, poor thing, our meals are so sad.
-Take Gunther & Zeke on a walk
-Read Das Kapital, and try to figure out what it is talking about..good riddance!

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:

-Pay off our house
-Look for a new house to buy..sorry neighbors, nothing personal
-Travel for a few months
-Quit my job & go to school full time
-Invest in something...

5 things i’ll never wear again:

This question is too hard. I swear anything goes now a days…I am not ruling anything out. I would vote that parachute pants never came back..?

5 favorite toys:

-Vespa & Vino
-Tennis Raquet
-Road Bike
-Long Board
-Zeke & Gunther, and of course Ryan

5 people to Tag:

Sorry if you have already been tagged...

-Breanne Garlick
-Amanda Sherrod
-Lindsay Anderson
-Baby Farn
-Kim Hunt


jmb said...

word to cartwheels, tap dances, and sleep overs. (and stealing the car)

Unknown said...

Ahh Nanette thanks for doing the TAG thing. It's always so fun to read what people write.