Thursday, September 20, 2007

My first Client

Meet Kerry, my first client....

...actually he is going to become my first client. Poor poor Kerry, my neighbor, was distraught about his hair going gray, so he shaved his head AND his Eyebrows! In an attempt to look younger, he himself drew those eyebrows on with the only marker that he could find, yes it was purple!
He said that someone was making fun of him because of how old he was! Unbelievable!

Well, Ryan convinced him to become my first client, and after his eyebrows grow back, I will dye them for him... and of course beat up who ever was making fun. We've got your back Kerry!


Unknown said...

Please help that poor soul. People can be so mean sometimes. I sure he will appreciate your help.

Jenni said...

I am just speechless, I have never seen something so sad and so funny at the same time. Poor guy. I can't wait to see what you can do for him. Too bad you didn't catch his frustration before he went to such lengths.

Amanda said...

Awe poor Kerry, he did a good job painting his eyebrows. I need help too, can I be your second client?

Nan and Ryan said...
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farn said...

oh my, that is hilarious. I can't believe he drew them on with purple! help him nan!

Allison said...

What an awesome neighbor!! I wish I had Kerry for a neighbor, instead I have a bunch of pitbulls, yes their owners let these "kid killers" walk around without leashes.

Leah said...

Thanks for stalking my blog, I'm honored. What the devil is the story with this picture?

jmb said...

Wow. amanda is right, he did do an amazingly good job of painting on eye brows for a dude, especially an old one.
I guess it's good he shaved everything off because now you can start with a clean slate!

lauren ann said...

So Nan what do you do to be so lucky to have this cute old man as you client? I am kinda obsessed with him. We need to hang out. I was going to call you to go biking, but I had a flat. I just learned how to change it so lets go soon. It's the perfect time of year.

Nan and Ryan said...
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Nan and Ryan said...

I know, I am luck, Kerry is so funny. Currently our Christmas card, among other things, are hanging from his tree outside. Sure makes me feel welcome in the neighborhood.

amanda james said...

he's the most amazing person I've ever seen. I seriously want to take pictures of him. Think about it kerry. I want the purple eyebrows though!

Amanda said...

When are you guys going to update your blog, I want to see some pictures of the destruction in your domain!

Kyla Stevens said...

Hey how are you guys doing? Loved your Christmas card. We have a blog now:
Hope to see yours updated soon.
kyla stevens