Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's official...I smell

Ok, so I have been here four weeks now, and I seriously smell like the hospital. Total Yuck! Everything. My hair, my skin, my clothes....I can't get rid of it. My sense of smell seems to be turned up to high gear too as of late and this smell is driving me crazy! I also think my room isn't cleaned very well and am this close to complaining... and the food is starting to make me gag. Am I turning negative or what!

Well, I feel really good and bla...but most of all loved! I have had so many visitors, and thanks to my good friends, my room is decorated! (this picture is from my phone camera...not the greatest). Because of the sign, some of the staff here call me Nanettie...which I totally let them do because I think it is funny.

Other than that, I hit 28 weeks yesterday...horray!


Unknown said...

Hooray for 28 weeks!!!! You are doing great! You are not negative at all. Every time I see you, you are so update and happy, and you don't smell.

Kim and Steve said...

Your room looks so cute!! Hang in there!! I tagged you on my blog...that will take up 5 minutes.

lauren ann said...

Congrats on the 28 week mark. We should have a party. Im glad the sign is still surviving. You are a champ

Eric and Megan said...

YAY! 28 weeks! That is a huge sigh of relief! Now every day is a huge bonus. Hope Thanksgiving was ok in the hospital...I feel your pain! Keep hanging in there! You're so awesome!

Unknown said...

You made it another week! YAY! Are you at 29 weeks now? So happy for you.

Allison said...

I am so glad that you are still there, but also so sorry. I think you are truly amazing!!

Cluff Family said...

Ryan and Nanette,
Hey how are you guys? Congrats on your new little ones! Twins-Crazy! I just got your blog address from Chuck. It's been a while! Hang in there Nanette, I just got done with the 9months too! We just had our 3rd! Oh how time flys! Talk to you guys soon!