Monday, June 22, 2009

Well well well...five months eh?

Hey I know I am totally lazy in posting to my blog...for some reason I am just not prioritizing it currently. My little babies are five months and are so dang cute! We have had a lot of fun together already. Below are some pic's that show what my little bubbas have experienced in life...


Anonymous said...

It's about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chelsea b james said...

finally! you got some pictures up! oh my your kiddos have changed so much!

Allison said...

I have been waiting and waiting for pics. Your sweet little babies are a perfect mix of you and Ryan.

Lauren said...

I have been waiting for these... They are precious. I can't believe how big they are. I need to see you guys!!!

{littlefam} said...

yay - i've been waiting for an update on your cuties! such fun pictures - you are an adorable family!

Lacey said...

yay i am so happy to see pictures of your cute little babes! they are darling! and no worries about not posting you have your hands full! love ya!

Unknown said...

5 months seriously? I can't believe how much they have grown. They are so cute Nan!

Eric and Megan said...

Oh my gosh I still can't believe I haven't come up to see them! They are already so big. I'm so glad you put pictures up - I check your blog all the time! Nan, they are so adorable! Hopefully things are getting easier and easier.

Kim and Steve said...

Those are some stinkin cute kids! The cruise looked fun! We want in next time!

Sarah M said...

nanette lives! so do her babies! and they go on cruises! what the? a cruise with twins. it was hard enough for me to take caroline to our backyard. three cheers for you!
i am coming to slc in august and a gain in september because paul is getting married. hopefuly i have time to see you in the midst of all the wedding festivites.
love your little ones, so sweet and cute!