Thursday, February 5, 2009


So Stella was supposed to come home with me when I made that last posting but she couldn't pass her car seat or car bed test....which made everyone aware that she needed to be on oxygen. She kicked it in the NICU for 7 days and in the mean time I brought Hudson home. Now all of us are home and I am just trying to figure out this mom business. A lot of you have asked when and if you can come visit and of course you can come visit anytime! It is so weird to be at home these days...

(Aren't I precious....)




Eric and Megan said...

Oh Nan they are so tiny and precious! Absolutely adorable! I remember how weird it felt to be home, or to be in social settings after being on bed rest for so long. It's like you have been shut off from the world for years. I bet its nice to be back in your own bed, even if you are hardly sleeping with those two new babies at home. Hope all is me anytime!! The biggest advice I can give is this: take it ONE DAY AT A TIME! I promise one day they will sleep through the night (I'm sure right now it seems like that will never happen) and you will start to feel like a normal person again :-)

Sarah M said...

Good luck with everything! You will be an awesome mom. You get used to staying at home -- to the point that (for me) it was really really really hard to go back to work. Count your blessings that you don't have to.

Aurelie said...

Yah! I want to come hang out with you. But I don't want to bring anything icky in with me. How is it going? Is there anything we can do for you?

Lloyd Family said...

Your babies are beautiful. Your little cuties are lucky to have a mama like you. Hang in there!

Lacey said...

oh nan they are darling! i hope youa re adjusting ok.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are all home together. They are so darling and precious Nan! Be expecting a visit from me next week with dinner!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

It was fun to see them today! Makes me miss when my twins were tiny!

{littlefam} said...

those are two beautiful babies! i love the names you gave them too! i can't wait to come visit!

lauren ann said...

Precious..... You better believe we will be over as soon as I get rid of this nasty cold.

Charisse said...

Congratulations! What precious little beautiful babies you have. I love the names you decided to go with. I hope things are going well and you are able to get a little bit of sleep.

jmb said...

They're amazing! I have been avoiding coming over because I have been a walking disease for the past week - but I'm getting better and hopefully I'll be able to come by in the next few days!

Kimberly said...

Congrats Nan and Ry!
You two make way cute babies!
I can't wait to meet them in person!

Allison said...

They are perfect!! I am still trying to figure out this Mom business three and a half years later and I have never dealt with two newborns. I am sure you will be fabulous.

amyharrisonphotography said...

Your babies are lovely!!!! We've been wanting to come and visit for so long but there has always been a sick child in our home it seems and I am a total spaz when it comes to germs so I didn't want to risk getting your babes sick at all :o) But winter is mostly over and everyone looks like they have clear noses so we'll give you a call soon! Blake and I are also planning a dinner party in a few weeks so we'll keep you posted on that as well! Hope all is going great for your gorgeous family! We love you guys!