Monday, June 22, 2009

Well well well...five months eh?

Hey I know I am totally lazy in posting to my blog...for some reason I am just not prioritizing it currently. My little babies are five months and are so dang cute! We have had a lot of fun together already. Below are some pic's that show what my little bubbas have experienced in life...

Thursday, February 5, 2009


So Stella was supposed to come home with me when I made that last posting but she couldn't pass her car seat or car bed test....which made everyone aware that she needed to be on oxygen. She kicked it in the NICU for 7 days and in the mean time I brought Hudson home. Now all of us are home and I am just trying to figure out this mom business. A lot of you have asked when and if you can come visit and of course you can come visit anytime! It is so weird to be at home these days...

(Aren't I precious....)



Friday, January 23, 2009

Meet Stella & Hudson

Hey Gang, so I delivered my babies last Monday night! I know this is a late blog posting but I have been a little tuckered out. My doctor checked me out last Monday morning and found that my little babes were going to come on their own shortly, so due to the position of my baby "B" boy, we scheduled the c-section for that night. They are so adorable and me and Ryan are so lucky and blessed to have them. Stella and myself will be discharged Friday afternoon, and poor little Hudson will have to stick around for a few days to prove that he can eat like a tiger, but we expect him to come home early next week.

Stella Heath - 5lbs 1oz - 18 inches long
Hudson Ryan Heath (or Ryan Hudson Heath) - 4lbs 4oz - 18.5 inches long

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nesting....from a cell phone..

Oh man, I am so excited to be a mom! Yesterday we scheduled my C-Section for Jan. 22nd, which is two weeks from today. Since then I have been nesting through everyone that is related to me! I am driving everyone crazy I am sure. Since yesterday, my hubby and sisters have organized the babies room, my mom has received a gazillion things to wash and Ryan is running all over getting our last min. items....all I want to do is talk about it. I wish so bad I could run around and get it all taken care of. Sounds fun to me! Thank you Family!

This is our little Girls crib

This is our little Boys crib

Monday, January 5, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Pinch Me...

Well I have been here 9 1/2 weeks and....I don't know what to say other than that. I have spent my time doing.....seriously I don't know what. Other than getting some good reading in, and good wholesome TV time in, I only have my knitting projects to show for this time.

(By the way, I don't love the girl more than the boy, it just so happens that I just haven't gotten around to making a boy cardigan/hat set....those booties are for him though!)

So, I am 34 weeks next Monday, and if I don't go into Labor any time soon, then my doctor will take the babies at 36 weeks, so at most I only have 3 more weeks of this place. Good Riddance!

Thanks to family and friends though, my room has been festively decorated for the Holidays, and to be honest December went by really fast...but January...I don't know what it is, but the last two days have dragged and dragged on....I can't make it though!

Thank you everyone for the phone calls, visits and gifts. Those times are what have saved my sanity. Seriously.